Boosting Employee Engagement: Tips for Remote and In-Office Teams

Business advice Workplace wellness
Author: Laura Morton
Estimated read time: 3 mins
Last updated: 25/07/2024

Work life (see what we did there?!) has changed a lot over the past few years, making it more challenging to keep your employees engaged.

Lots of teams look as though they’ve ‘cracked it’… LinkedIn will fill your feed with smiling, happy, faces hanging out together doing collaborative work; or grinning and emoji-ing their way through zoom or teams calls with ease. But sometimes it can be hard to rally the troops – especially when some of your team work from home, or across more flexible hours meaning you can’t always connect in person. 

Every business or team will go through ups and downs over time in how they connect, create & collaborate – so we thought we’d share our learns on boosting engagement and fostering connections, wherever your team may be.

Tip #1: Communication is key

Great communication is the cornerstone of engagement; and for remote teams, it’s imperative.

Our advice? Digitally – choose one communication tool—be it Slack, Teams, or another—and stick to it. We all have too many tabs open already; let’s not add another.

And remember, we’re human beings! Digital communication is fast and easy but it’s not for everything all the time. Encourage open dialogue, provide regular in-person or video updates, and schedule virtual team meetings to maintain a sense of community.

In-office teams should also prioritise transparent communication through regular face to face meetings and updates. By fostering clear and consistent communication, you’ll enhance engagement and productivity across the board.

Tip #2: Make it clear

No one likes feeling out of the loop. Be transparent—clearly communicate what you expect from your team and how their work contributes to the overall mission & goals of the business.

Trusting your employees is crucial for maintaining engagement. Regular check-ins, thorough onboarding processes, and 121s that don’t get cancelled for a ‘last minute meeting’ are essential for keeping your team motivated and excited about their work.

Tip #3: Create connections

Building strong relationships within the team is what keeps them motivated, after all, it’s human nature to connect with one another.

For in-office teams, it’s easy. Organise team lunches, after-work hangouts, or projects for people from different parts of the business to collaborate on.

Remote teams are trickier, but never impossible – there are so many ideas out there! One thing to stress is not to encourage more screen time when 5pm comes. Schedule in virtual coffee breaks, a Friday quiz at 4 o’clock or even encourage those that live close enough to get together.

Also think about remote activities everyone can do, but not at the same time. Puzzles, recipe challenges, health & fitness leagues can all be great asynchronous tools that fit around everyone’s schedules but create new connections too.

Tip #4: Recognise and reward

Making a point of acknowledging and appreciating your team’s hard work is a game-changer for morale. Set up a fun recognition and rewards system to celebrate their achievements—whether it’s a shout-out in a team meeting, a ‘star employee’ award, or thoughtful incentives for smashing their goals. A bit of friendly competition never hurt anyone, and it could be the key to your team going the extra mile – or as we like to say at Work.Life, to “not stopping at good”.

Tip #5: It’s all about balance

Work-life balance isn’t just a buzzword; it’s essential for creating a productive and, more importantly, happy workplace. There are countless ways to help your team achieve a better balance: offer flexible working hours, actively promote taking time off, implement wellness initiatives, and provide perks like gym discounts and coffee shop deals. Making life a little easier for your employees not only makes them happier but also gives them more time and energy to excel in their roles.

Consider coaching and therapy as great tools to invest in for your team to help them navigate what great balance means to them across both work and life – and reflect on any changes they can make.

At Work.Life, our mission is to make work lives happier. These tips have helped us cultivate a positive and productive workplace where our team can thrive, learn, and evolve.

Stop by one of our spaces to see these things in action. If you’re looking for a private office for your growing business, a coworking membership that allows you to see all of London or a place to have an in-person meetup, we’ve got you covered.

Check out our locations here and our memberships here.

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