Privacy Policy


We are Work.Life and Synergy Spaces Advisory Ltd. Work.Life is a business providing shared workspaces to individuals and businesses. Synergy Spaces Advisory Ltd is a business which aims to help its customers find shared office workspace from third parties which meet its customers’ needs.

We are committed to treating individuals and their personal information with respect so we want you to know as much as possible about what we do with your personal information. You and your personal information are protected by various laws and guidance which we are dedicated to upholding as well as respecting your privacy and importantly keeping your information safe. This privacy notice is quite long and detailed because we want you to be properly informed.

We are also committed to being transparent about how we collect and use your personal information and in meeting our data protection obligations. We’re required under applicable data protection laws to notify you of the information contained in this privacy notice so it’s important that you read this document before you begin interacting with us so that you understand how and why we will process your personal information.

In this privacy notice any reference to “us”, “we”, “our” or “ourselves” is a reference to Work.Life and Synergy Spaces Advisory Ltd. We are not part of the same group of companies but are under common control and ownership. Therefore both will work together much in the same way that a group of companies would work together. In some cases, a part of this privacy notice may apply only to either Work.Life or Synergy Spaces Advisory Ltd. Where this is the case, we will signify that a part is only applicable to Work.Life using a single asterisk* or is only applicable to Synergy Spaces Advisory Ltd using a double asterisk**.

Any reference to “you”, “your” and “yourself” is a reference to you as an individual who has a relationship with us, uses our website, makes a customer related enquiry to us or is in contact with us in a customer context.

This privacy notice provides details (in accordance with applicable data protection laws) about how we collect and use personal information about you during and after your relationship with us.

This privacy notice applies to everyone who engages our services, anyone who has made an enquiry with us, anyone who books or uses a workspace at any of our premises*, anyone who wants us to find a workspace for them with a third party**, anyone who has signed up to receive marketing materials from us and anyone who interacts on social media or our website with us.

This privacy notice does not apply to the extent that you work for us, apply to work for us or deal with us in any other context such as a supplier to us.

As this privacy notice covers a range of individuals with a range of relationships and interactions with us, and since it covers both Work.Life and Synergy Spaces Advisory Ltd, not all aspects of this privacy notice will apply to you. The aspects of this privacy notice that will apply to you will depend upon the nature of your relationship and interactions with us. If you are unsure or you have any queries regarding your personal information, then you can always ask us by contacting Work.Life at or Synergy Spaces Advisory Ltd.


For the purposes of data protection laws and this privacy notice, the controller of your personal information is whichever of us or whichever part of the Work.Life group is processing your personal information. This will usually be the one of us or the part of the Work.Life group that you interact with or have a relationship with. Being a controller of your personal information means that we are responsible for deciding how we hold and use your personal information.

Work.Life has a number of trading entities, with its main entity being Work.Life Holdings Limited (Reg. No. 09541627). The Work.Life group entities are all companies registered in England and Wales. Work.Life Holdings Limited will usually be the controller of your personal information.* In some cases, another part of the Work.Life group may be the controller of your personal information.*

Synergy Spaces Advisory Ltd is a company registered in England and Wales (Reg No.15738318). This company will also be the controller of your personal information where you enquire with Work.Life about workspace availability which Work.Life is not able to provide or satisfy, and Work.Life passes your details to Synergy Spaces Advisory Ltd to see if it is able to find workspace to meet your requirements.  Synergy Spaces Advisory Ltd will always contact you to see if you are happy for it to find workspace to meet your requirements on your behalf, and if you do not wish it to do so then it will delete your personal information which has been provided to it by Work.Life.** Work.Life will also retain your details in these circumstances in case it has workspace which later becomes available and which might meet your requirements.  Synergy Spaces Advisory Ltd will also be the controller of your personal information where you make an enquiry direct to Synergy Spaces Advisory Ltd to help you find available workspace.

Sometimes Work.Life may pass personal information to different parts of Work.Life’s group, so this privacy notice covers its whole group, and more than one part of its group may be a controller of your personal information.


It is important that the personal information we hold about you is accurate and current. Please keep us informed if your personal information changes during the period of your interactions with us.


Failing to provide some of the personal information we require may have an adverse impact on our ability to interact with you, for example we may not be able to provide you with services you would like to receive or contact you in relation to those services. However, you are not generally obliged to provide us with any of your personal information beyond what is required for us to deliver our workplace services.


Both Work.Life and Synergy Spaces Advisory Ltd have appointed a Data Protection Officer (DPO) to oversee compliance with data protection requirements.  Please contact our DPO at Work.Life at or Synergy Spaces Advisory Ltd if you have any queries or concerns about data protection compliance in relation to the entities covered by this privacy notice.


We keep all of our privacy notices under regular review, and we may update this privacy notice at any time. The current version of this notice is available on Work.Life’s website at  or Synergy Spaces Advisory Ltd’s website or you can request a copy from us using our contact details in this privacy notice. We will let you know if there are any material changes to this privacy notice in the future, usually by updating the version on our website.


We are committed to being transparent about how we collect and use your personal information and in meeting our data protection obligations. Data protection laws say that the personal information we hold about you must be:

  • Used lawfully, fairly and in a transparent way.
  • Collected only for valid purposes that we have clearly explained to you and not used in a way that is incompatible with those purposes.
  • Relevant to the uses we have told you about and limited only to those uses.
  • Accurate and kept up to date.
  • Kept only as long as necessary for the purposes we have told you about.
  • Kept securely.

Our aim is always to comply with these principles or a higher standard. We’ll aim to treat your personal information with the same care and respect we would expect if it were our own personal information.


In connection with your relationship or interactions with us, we may collect and process a wide range of personal information about you. This includes:

  • Basic personal information and contact details such as name, address information, date of birth, age and gender, work and/or personal email address and telephone number(s).
  • Identification information such as copy identification documents and information from credit and identity checks.
  • Details of the correspondence and communications you send and receive from us.
  • Details of our app if you have licensed this from us to use and usage information relating to the app, where it was downloaded from, traffic and communications data and resources accessed.*
  • Device data where you use our website or app which may include information about the device you use and the unique device identifier for example your device’s IMEA number, the MAC address of the device’s wireless network interface, or the mobile phone used by the device, mobile network information, your mobile operating system, the type of mobile browser you use, time zone setting, the IP address, device type, usernames and account details, location data which may include your current location disclosed by your own software. However, we do not use separate location tracking software.*
  • Content data which includes information stored on your device, including login information, booking and enquiry information, or your data that you input and upload to our app* or website* or otherwise provide to us.
  • How you use our website as we collect information about the pages you look at and how you use them, usernames, account details and passwords, entry and exit data when you look at or leave our website, details of services, events and materials that may be interest to you, online subscription information, for example, when you subscribe to our blogs or other materials, browser related information, cookies that are set on your device by our website (for more details see our separate cookie policy at Cookie policy – Work.Life*).
  • IT information such as account information including username, password and other identifying information and other account information and usage information where you use or have access to IT systems or equipment we provide, for example our wi-fi or printing at office premises.*
  • Details of workspace bookings made by you or which relate to you, whether made online, via our app or via telephone or other methods, including location, space booked, dates, times, names, account details and any associated charges.*
  • Details related to your attendance at our premises.
  • Payment details such as payment card details, bank account details, financial transactions, and refunds.*
  • Any terms and conditions relating to your relationship with us.
  • Publicly available personal information, including any which you have shared via a public platform, online or on social media.
  • Responses and results of surveys.
  • Fraud prevention related information which may include details of other transactions you have been involved in for example with our Registered Office product.*
  • Attendance at events arranged by us.*
  • Vehicle registration number, make and model if you are driving to visit us at our premises or an event and we provide you with parking.
  • Digital content such as videos and photographs taken by you or others and provided to us, or which we take ourselves or taken by third party photographers appointed by us usually at events or for marketing or promotional materials.*
  • Details of any queries, complaints, claims and cases involving both us and you including any related communications.
  • CCTV footage and other information obtained through electronic means such as access control systems if you visit our premises.
  • Any other personal information you provide to us.

We may also in some cases collect and process more sensitive special category personal information including:

  • Information about your health including any medical condition, health, and sickness records, including where you inform us about any ill-health, injury, or disability. For example, this may be necessary for us to provide or find a suitable workspace which is accessible to you.
  • In some cases, equal opportunities monitoring information, including information about your ethnic origin, sexual orientation, health and religion or beliefs. This will usually only be where it is relevant to us complying with our legal obligations regarding equality and non-discrimination or fulfilling a specific enquiry request or providing other specific services to you which you request, for example whether we have separate prayer rooms.

If you are providing us with details of any other individuals, for example a colleague of yours that you enquire about workspace for, they have a right to know and to be aware of what personal information we hold about them, how we collect it and how we use and may share that information. Please share this privacy notice with them. They also have the same rights as set out in this privacy notice in relation to their personal information that we collect.


Our supply of services and our website and any events and blogs are not intended for use by anyone under the age of 16 years and we do not generally knowingly collect personal information relating to anyone under the age of 16 years old.  Our supply of services and our website and any events and blogs are aimed at individuals who are of normal working age and above. However on rare occasions an employer may have school age work experience students using our workspaces, but in any such circumstances we will limit as far as reasonably possible any information we hold regarding school age individuals.


We collect your personal information in a variety of ways and from a variety of sources as set out below:

  • Most of your personal information is collected directly from you, for example through contact with you, through information you input into an enquiry form, information you input into your account on our website or into our app*, from services requested by you, from correspondence with you, through your attendance at events, bookings or memberships*, from correspondence with you or through other interactions with us, when you visit our premises* or other personal information you provide to us.
  • From Work.Life where they have passed your information to Synergy Spaces Advisory Ltd in order to try to fulfil your enquiry, for example where they are unable to do so.**
  • From Synergy Spaces Advisory Ltd to Work.Life where Synergy Spaces Advisory Ltd have been successful in finding you workspace so that Work.Life know your requirements have been met. *
  • From other individuals known to you who may have given us your personal information so that we can provide services to you.
  • From websites, the internet, social media or other platforms including public sources of information.
  • From our website, chatbots, app and information technology and communications systems, access control systems and CCTV and suppliers we use in connection with our services or premises, for example door access control systems when you attend our premises.*
  • From social media.
  • From marketing agencies and public relations providers engaged by us.
  • From cookies and similar technologies on our website (for more information on cookies, please see our cookie policy at Cookie policy – Work.Life*).
  • From third parties appointed by you, for example legal advisors.
  • From third parties appointed by us, for example legal advisors, identity or background check providers*, fraud prevention organisations*, data cleansing service providers or market/data research and analysis service providers.
  • From government or government related bodies, regulators, the police, law enforcement authorities or the security services.

We store personal information relating to you in our information technology systems (such as in our email system, on-premises monitoring* and CCTV systems*) and may also store some in paper-based systems, for example a signing in book at our premises.


We will only use your personal information when the law allows us to. This means we must have one or more legal basis to use your personal information. Most of these will be self-explanatory. The most common legal bases which will apply to our use of your personal information are set out below:

  • Where we need to provide the services outlined in the contract we have entered into with you which covers your relationship with us or to take steps to enter into that contract.
  • Where it is necessary for legitimate interests pursued by us or a third party and your interests and fundamental rights do not override those interests. This includes where you work for a corporate body but we need to process your personal information in relation to our relationship with that corporate body. We have set out in the section below how we use your personal information together with more details on our legitimate interests.
  • Where we need to comply with a legal obligation which applies to us, for example complying with laws relating to health and safety, fire safety, or complying with data protection laws.
  • You have given your consent. Generally, we do not rely on or need your consent for most uses we make of your personal information and will instead rely on one of the other basis listed, but we will need your consent to directly market our services to you by electronic communications channels such as email or SMS/MMS or telephone.

We may in limited circumstances process sensitive special category personal information about you (for example personal information revealing racial or ethnic origin, religious or philosophical beliefs, or data concerning health). Where we process sensitive special category personal information, in addition to the list above, we also need to have one or more of the following must also apply:

  • We have your explicit consent to process the information, this will usually be the case where you specifically ask us to do or provide something which is related to your special category personal information, e.g. your religion or mobility.
  • The use of the information is necessary for us to comply with our obligations and in exercising our rights in the field of employment law, social security law and social protection law, for example processing your health information so we can ensure our services and/or premises* are accessible to you and can make related adjustments for you.
  • We need to protect your vital interests (or someone else’s vital interests), for example where you experience a medical event on our premises which requires us to call the emergency services*.
  • You have already made public the personal information, for example via social media.
  • We are establishing, exercising or defending legal claim(s).
  • Where it is necessary in the public interest.

In some cases, more than one legal basis may apply to our use of your personal information.


The ways we may need to use your personal information will depend on your relationship with us. We have set out the main uses below and indicated the main applicable legal bases of processing, but there may be other specific uses which are linked to or covered by the uses below.

  • We may process your personal information to perform our relationship with you or to provide services to you, for example to contact you about suitable workspaces or to provide you with workspaces. As well as relating to the entry into or performance of a contract with you either directly or indirectly, this will also be in our legitimate interests where the enquiry or booking is made by a corporate body. We may also in some limited cases rely on your consent.
  • Life may process your personal information to transfer it to Synergy Spaces Advisory Ltd to see if they can assist in fulfilling an enquiry for workspace you have made, for example where Work.Life are unable to do so.* As well as relating to the entry into or performance of a contract with you either directly or indirectly, this will also be in our legitimate interests.* We may also in some limited cases rely on your consent.*
  • We will need to process your personal information to send you any direct marketing materials about our services that you have asked to be sent to you. As well as relating to the entry into or performance of a contract with you either directly or indirectly, this will also be in our legitimate interests. We also need you to give consent if we are going to market to you by electronic channels such as email or SMS/MMS or telephone.
  • We may use your current or previous membership status and/or viewing of website content to tailor advertising of our products suitable to your needs. This will be in our legitimate interests.
  • We also need to monitor and manage our relationship with you, which may involve communications with you. As well as relating to the entry into or performance of a contract with you either directly or indirectly, this will also be in our legitimate interests.
  • We may need to process your personal information in order to hold or conduct events. This will be in our legitimate interests, and in some cases, we may rely on your consent to do this.
  • We may need to process your personal information to manage our social media or online relationship with you. This will be in our legitimate interests, and in some cases, we may rely on your consent to do this, for example if you provide us with a video, photograph or content to use.
  • We may need to process your personal information to help train our staff, and make sure they are able to deliver our high standards. This will be in our legitimate interests.
  • In some cases, we may need to carry out background, identity, fraud prevention or other checks in relation to you to decide whether to enter into or to enforce a relationship we have with you.* This will be in our legitimate interests, and in some cases, we may have a legal obligation to do so.*
  • As a business we may have many legal obligations connected to our relationship with you or connected to you visiting our premises which we need to comply with, such as to comply with data protection laws, fire safety requirements and health and safety laws, for example to ensure it is safe for you to attend our premises. We may need to process your personal information to comply with these legal obligations.
  • We will also need to keep and maintain proper records relating to your relationship with us and information about you which is relevant to that relationship. As well as relating to the entry into or performance of a contract with you either directly or indirectly, this will also be in our legitimate interests, and we may also have legal obligations to do this.
  • To ensure effective general business administration and to manage our business. As well as relating to the entry into or performance of a contract with you either directly or indirectly, this will also be in our legitimate interests, and we may also have legal obligations or be exercising a legal right to do this.
  • In some cases, we may need to process your personal information to prevent, detect or prosecute criminal activity. This will also be in our legitimate interests; we may also have legal obligations or be exercising a legal right to do this and it will also be in the public interest.
  • You may have contacted us about a query, compliant or enquiry and we need to be able to respond to you and deal with the points you have raised. This will also be in our legitimate interests; we may also have legal obligations or be exercising a legal right to do this.
  • We may need to gather evidence for and be involved in legal cases. As well as relating to the entry into of a contract with you either directly or indirectly, this will also be in our legitimate interests, we may also have legal obligations or be exercising a legal right to do this and it may also be needed to establish, bring or defend legal claims.
  • To monitor any use you make of our website*, apps* and information and communication systems, electronic access control systems and social media accounts to ensure network and information security, including preventing unauthorised access to our computer and electronic communications systems and preventing malicious software distribution, to protect our premises and keep attendees at our premises safe and also to protect your personal information. As well as relating to the entry into or performance of a contract with you either directly or indirectly, this will also be in our legitimate interests, and we may also have legal obligations or be exercising a legal right to do this.
  • To conduct data analytics, research and analysis to review and improve our business, use of our website*, app* and social media* which relates to us and to our competitors. This will also be in our legitimate interests, and we may also have legal obligations or be exercising a legal right to do this. We may sometimes anonymise and aggregate personal information for insight and research purposes, but this information will not identify you.

We commit that we will not use your personal information to target, segment, or profile you based on your health, negative financial status or condition, political affiliation or beliefs, racial or ethnic origin, religious or philosophical affiliation or beliefs, sex life or sexual orientation, data relating to an alleged or actual commission of a crime, for any unlawful or discriminatory purpose or in any other manner that would be inconsistent with your reasonable expectation of privacy.


We will only use your personal information for the purposes for which we collected it, unless we reasonably consider that we need to use it for another reason and that reason is compatible with the original purpose. If we need to use your personal information for an unrelated purpose, we will notify you by updating this privacy notice on our website, so please check back regularly for any updates.

Please note that we may process your personal information without your knowledge or consent, in compliance with the above rules, where this is required or permitted by law. We will rarely need to rely on your consent to process any of your personal information.


We currently use automated processing when matching your office space enquiry with our available solutions, based on the location, desk requirement and start-date required that you provide us.

We also use automated processing to show you personalised advertisements whilst you browse our website or those of other businesses and to build a profile for you. Any advertisements you see may relate to your browsing activity on our website from your computer or other devices.

However we currently do not use automated decision making or profiling which results in legal effects or similar significant effects for you. If this ever changes we will update this privacy notice.


Your personal information may be shared internally with our staff where access to your personal information is necessary for the performance of their roles. We only provide access to your personal information to those of our staff who need to have access to your personal information.


When using your personal information we may share it with third parties, but we will only do so when it is appropriate, and we have a lawful basis for doing so. Third parties that we may share your personal information with include:

  • Each of Work.Life and Synergy Spaces Advisory Ltd, for example if Work.Life is not able to meet or accommodate your workspace needs then it will pass your details to Synergy Spaces Advisory Ltd which will then contact you to seek your consent for them to find you suitable workspace. Likewise if Synergy Spaces Advisory Ltd finds suitable workspace for you then it will inform Work.Life so that Work.Life knows that you are no longer looking for workspace.
  • A third party to provide you with services, for example where Synergy Spaces Advisory Ltd is trying to find a workspace provided by a third party where Work.Life was unable to meet or accommodate your request then Synergy Spaces Advisory Ltd will share your details with other workspace providers.**
  • Any third party approved or requested by you.
  • Service providers to our business, for example premises providers, information technology services suppliers, logistics providers*, security providers, fraud prevention organisations*, credit check and identity check agencies, customer relationship management providers, marketing and public relations service providers, market research and analysis providers, data cleansing providers.
  • Our bank(s) and finance providers where relevant to our funding.
  • Third parties that process personal information on our behalf and in accordance with our instructions.
  • Another company within the Work.Life group, especially if you have a relationship with that part of our group, for example the group company for the specific location you have enquired with or which controls the premises you attend.*
  • Purchasers, investors, funders and their advisers if we sell all or part of our business, assets or shares or restructure whether by merger, re-organisation or in another way.
  • Our legal and other professional advisers, including our auditors or any professional advisors appointed by you, for example a legal advisor where a claim is being brought.
  • Social media and other online platforms where relevant to our relationship with you.
  • Governmental bodies, HMRC, regulators, police, law enforcement agencies, security services, courts/tribunals when sharing your information is relevant.

We also use cookies to distinguish you from other users and collect information about how you use our website. See our Cookie Policy at  We use the information to help us analyse and improve the website usability. This helps us to provide you with a good experience when you browse our website, to help you find what you’re looking for and also allows us to improve our Site. The cookies collect information in an anonymous form, including the number of visitors to the website and blog, where visitors have come to the website from and the pages they visited.  You can opt out of being tracked by non-essential cookies on our website by selecting your cookie preferences when you visit our website or you can also change your browser settings. See for more details. Please note that third parties (for example, advertising networks and providers of external services like web traffic analysis services and forecasting services, including but not limited to Google Analytics, Facebook Analytics, and Zapier) may also use cookies, over which we have no control. These cookies are likely to be analytical/performance cookies or marketing cookies.*

We do not disclose personal information to anyone else except as set out above unless we are legally entitled to do so.


We are committed to keeping your personal information safe and secure and so we have numerous security measures in place to protect the information we control.  We will always aim to use secure systems across our networks and hardware to ensure access and information are protected.. We secure the personal information you provide on our computer servers in a controlled, secure environment, password protected from unauthorized access, use or disclosure. 

We take information security very seriously and will use all reasonable endeavours to protect the integrity and security of the personal information we collect about you.


The businesses of Work.Life and Synergy Spaces Advisory Ltd are UK based and generally we do not process or store your personal information outside of the UK.  However if we do ever transfer your personal information outside of the UK, for example because an information technology hosting provider to our business uses servers located outside of the UK or one of our staff needs to remotely access our information technology systems whilst abroad (if they do so they will be using our security measures and the same legal protections will apply that would apply to accessing personal information from our premises).

Very rarely there may be circumstances where your personal information may be transferred abroad and cease to be under our control.  This is only likely to be the case where personal information relating to you is requested by a law enforcement or security service of a foreign country.

If we do transfer or process your personal information outside of the UK then we will only do in a way which is compliant with data protection laws and only where we are legally entitled to do so.  Our standard practice is to assess the laws and practices of the destination country and the recipient and the security measures that are to be taken as regards the personal Information in the overseas location or alternatively, we use standard data protection contractual clauses. This means that when a transfer such as this takes place, you can expect an equivalent degree of protection in respect of your personal information.  Please contact us if you would like any more details about any international transfers of personal information that may apply to your personal information.


We will hold your personal information for the duration of your relationship with us and then usually for a further period. This further period will depend on the nature of our relationship with you.  Where you are just a user of our website we may keep that information for up to 2 years after your visit to our website. Where you make an enquiry with us or an enquiry is made with us which relates to you but that enquiry does not lead to a business relationship or contract we will generally keep that information for up to 3 years. Where we have a contract with you or which relates to you we will keep your personal information for up to 6 years after the end of that contract.  Where you have booked workspace with Work.Life (whether for you, other colleagues or on behalf of a corporate body or it has been booked for you by someone else) we will generally keep details about that booking and your attendance at our premises for up to 6 years. Where you ask Synergy Spaces Advisory Ltd to find alternative workspace for you it will generally keep your personal information for up to 6 years after either it has found workspace for you or you have asked Synergy Spaces Advisory Ltd to stop looking for workspace for you. Where we are marketing to you we will generally keep the relevant personal information about you until 2 years after the end of our relationship or you ask us to cease marketing to you. For the second of these your details may remain on a suppression and no-marketing list for much longer than 2 years to reduce the chances that we inadvertently send you any further marketing information if we obtain your details from a different source.

CCTV information is retained for much shorter periods, as a result of the hard drives storing the CCTV footage being overwritten by new CCTV footage on a continuous basis. How long this takes will depend on the resolution and number of the CCTV cameras and the capacity of the hard drive which stores the CCTV footage, but generally the CCTV footage will be overwritten within 30 days.

We will not retain your personal information for longer than necessary for the purposes for which it was collected and is being used. The periods of time after the end our relationship with you during which we still retain personal information about you is usually based on the legal imitation period for legal claims and also how long the personal information is likely to remain correct and relevant.  However there are circumstances where the time periods mentioned above will be extended, for example is there is a legal claim and your personal information is relevant to that legal claim then your personal information may be retained for the duration of that legal claim and for as long as any right of appeal exists.

For more information, please contact Work.Life at or Synergy Spaces Advisory Ltd to request more information about how long we keep personal information.


As an individual whose personal information we collect and process, you have a number of rights.

You may:

  • Request access and obtain details of your personal information that we hold (this is commonly known as a “data subject access request”). This enables you to receive a copy of the personal information we hold about you and to check that we are lawfully processing it.
  • Request details about how your personal information is being used. This right is linked with the right of access mentioned above.
  • Request correction of the personal information that we hold about you. This enables you to have any incomplete or inaccurate information we hold about you corrected.
  • Request erasure of your personal information. This means that you can ask us to delete or stop processing your personal information, for example where we no longer have a reason to process it. You also have the right to ask us to delete or remove your personal information where you have exercised your right to object to processing (set out below). The right to have data erased does not apply in all circumstances.
  • Withdraw any consent you have given to us, although this will only be relevant where we are relying on your consent as a lawful basis to use your personal information, but it is an absolute right. Once we have received notification that you have withdrawn your consent, we will no longer process your personal information for the purpose or purposes for which you originally gave your consent, unless we have another lawful basis for doing so. This will not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent which we have already carried out.
  • Object to the processing of your personal information where we are relying on a legitimate interest (ours or that of a third party) and there is something about your particular situation which makes you want to object to processing on this ground.
  • Object to direct marketing where we are processing your personal information for direct marketing purposes, for example contacting you about services that might interest you. This is an absolute right.
  • Request the restriction of processing of your personal information. For example this enables you to ask us to stop processing your personal information for a period if data is inaccurate or there is a dispute about whether or not your interests override our legitimate grounds for processing data.
  • Request the transfer of your personal information to another party in certain circumstances.
  • Object to certain automated decision-making processes using your personal information, although we do not currently use automated decision making in relation to your personal information.

You should note that some of these rights, for example the right to require us to transfer your personal information to another service provider or the right to object to automated decision making or the right to object to our processing of your personal information, may not always apply as they have specific requirements and exemptions which apply to them, and they may not apply to personal information recorded, used and stored by us. However, some of your rights have no conditions attached, so your right to withdraw consent or object to processing for direct marketing are absolute rights.

If you would like to exercise any of these rights, please contact Work.Life at or Synergy Spaces Advisory Ltd or for Work.Life write to Data Queries, Work.Life, Waverley House, 9 Noel Street, London, England, W1F 8GQ. Please include enough information to identify yourself (e.g. your full name, address and any relevant reference information such as the workspace you use). Please also specify what right you want to exercise and the personal information relating to your request. Please note that because Work.Life and Synergy Spaces Advisory Ltd are separate controllers, you may need to exercise your rights in respect of each of them if they are both processing your personal information.

We may need to request specific information from you to help us confirm your identity and ensure your right to access the information (or to exercise any of your other rights). This is an appropriate security measure to ensure that your personal information is not disclosed to any person or dealt with by a person who has no right to do so.

Whilst this privacy notice sets out a general summary of your legal rights in respect of personal information, this is a complex area of law. More information about your legal rights can be found at


You have the right to opt out of receiving direct marketing communications from us at any time and can do this by:

  • Using the “unsubscribe” link in emails or any other electronic marketing materials we send to you. However this will usually only unsubscribe you from that marketing channel, and not other electronic marketing channels.
  • Contacting us via the contact details contained in this privacy notice.

The measures listed above do not apply to non-marketing communications from us, or to advertising on our website or our app. Please see the section above on Automated Decision Making or Processing for information about how we may show advertisements to you on our website or app.


We hope you don’t have any reason to complain, and we will always try to resolve any issues you have. Please contact us if you would like to discuss any issue you may have with us.

You have the right to make a complaint at any time to the Information Commissioner’s Office (the UK data protection regulator and often shortened to the ICO) about how we deal with your personal information or your rights in relation to your personal information.

You can make a compliant in writing to the ICO, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF, United Kingdom or you can go to


If you have any queries regarding our use of your personal information or this privacy notice then please contact Work.Life at or write to Data Queries, Work.Life, Waverley House, 9 Noel Street, London, England, W1F 8GQ.

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