Work Happiness Across Generations: Gen Z, Millennials, and Boomers

Work Happier Business advice Workplace wellness
Estimated read time: 4 mins
Last updated: 07/10/2024

What does work happiness mean to you? We all want a job that feels fulfilling and doesn’t give us those dreaded Sunday scaries! But our happiness needs can shift depending on where we are in life.

Right now, we’re working in the most generationally diverse workforce ever, from Gen Z, to Millennials, to Baby Boomers. Each generation has its own values and priorities, and that diversity brings huge benefits.

Let’s get into the unique workplace needs of each generation—and how to create a happy, inclusive environment for them all!

Virtual versus reality  

No one knows you better than your work bestie. They celebrate your wins, lift you up when you’re down, and always tell you when there’s cake in the kitchen! With the average Brit spending over 37 hours a week at work, building close relationships is crucial to work happiness.   

But with remote work on the rise, it’s not always easy. Jabra’s report, ‘Mind the Gap – How Gen Z is Disrupting the Workplace in 2024,’ shows Gen Z values connection differently, finding belonging online just as meaningful. Having grown up in online spaces, they find belonging digitally, proving that a flexible working model is essential for engaging younger generations and appeasing others who prefer to connect in-person.

Reduce isolation and boost engagement

Keeping teams connected is crucial, especially for older employees who may feel disengaged working remotely. One Baby Boomer shared, “My health makes commuting difficult, so I work hard to stay connected with colleagues.”

Here are a few ways to keep the team spirit alive:

  • Offer various communication options to suit everyone.
  • Tailor communication styles to individual preferences.
  • Invest in quality tech for smoother online interactions.
  • Host regular social events and team-building activities.
  • Encourage team members to come in on the same day.
  • Utilise coworking spaces to keep office costs down.

Keeping top talent 

Happy, connected employees are more likely to stay, saving time and money on recruitment. Baby Boomers value job security and stability, making them more loyal. Gen Z and Millennials, however, tend to be on the lookout for the next big opportunity.

Millennials seek purpose in their roles, with one saying, “I need to feel like I’ve made a difference every day.” And without this, they’re quick to move on.

As for Gen Z? Almost half of them expect to switch jobs within the next year, and 74% believe in job hopping for career growth

So, if you want to keep your best people, keep these things in mind:

  1. Don’t overlook Baby Boomers 

Your older employees have valuable characteristics and skills to tap into. Make sure their knowledge is shared, find out what motivates them and make them feel included.  

  1. Be socially responsible 

From sustainable practices to gender pay equality, diversity and social mobility, people – especially Millennials and Gen Z – care about your company’s impact. Show them you’re walking the talk! 

  1. Check in on staff 

Open conversations about goals and personal aspirations not only help employees feel valued but also foster a sense of purpose and loyalty.

  1. Invest in your workspace    

Don’t underestimate the power of an awesome workspace. A well-designed workplace boosts wellbeing, ramps up productivity and makes your company feel like a place people want to be. 

Work-life balance 

Finding the right work-life balance is essential for job satisfaction, especially for our older colleagues who often juggle family and caregiving responsibilities. On the flip side, Gen Z seems to prioritize their careers, with 43% saying work comes first.

But here’s something we can all agree on; flexible hours make a world of difference! According to research from Compass Group flexible working is the top non-monetary perk employees crave, showing that adaptability is truly the key to workplace happiness for everyone!

Empowering and inclusive  

One Gen Z employee shared how flexibility truly transforms their work experience: “I want to do my job effectively without feeling tied to my desk for the same hours every day. It’s empowering and shows me I’m trusted.”

They also highlighted that inclusivity means being fully flexible, allowing caregivers to balance their responsibilities and helping neurodivergent individuals make necessary adjustments to thrive. This illustrates just how vital flexibility is for creating a workplace that everyone loves—a key factor for attracting and retaining top talent!

Want to enhance your flexibility as an employer? Here are some friendly suggestions:

  • Job sharing: Two heads are better than one!
  • Compressed workweeks: How about a four-day workweek?
  • Remote work options: Let employees work where they’re most productive, supported by the right tech!
  • Flexitime: Allow team members to start and finish their day when it suits them best.

And remember, transparency is key—make sure new hires know about your flexible work options right from the start!

So, let’s recap!

Baby Boomers: More likely to stay long-term in a job, but don’t take them for granted. They value in-person interactions and flexible working hours.

Millennials: Seek purpose in their roles and are often on the lookout for the next big opportunity. Flexible working is their top non-monetary perk.

Gen Z: Embrace job hopping for career growth and value friendships at work for a sense of belonging, although they prefer online connections. They prioritize flexibility over strict work-life balance.

Help your teams thrive 

Leaders who embrace the powerful mix of skills and experience of generationally diverse teams will be well-placed for future growth. 

Encourage your team to look at things from fresh angles and appreciate each other’s strengths. Real connections break down assumptions and build stronger bonds. And, if you’re not sure what your teams actually want, just ask them! 

We have flexible office space in London, Reading and Manchester that help multigenerational workforces thrive. Book a tour today to learn more! 

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